CISV Greater Springfield

CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.

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Food Pantry Donations

December 1, 2020 - December 16, 2020

Registrations are closed for this event.

Dear CISV families and friends of CISV,

Although the pandemic has prevented us from physically getting together, we can still “come together” in our support of those less fortunate than us. For the holiday season, CISV is collecting non-perishable pantry items to stock the food pantry in Longmeadow.

If you live in or near Longmeadow, feel free to drop off your donations at either:

35 Blokland Dr, Longmeadow, MA (Front Door) OR

47 Chatham Rd, Longmeadow, MA (Rear of house under covered porch)

There will be a labeled box at both sites and you can just drop off whatever items you have to donate. The food pantry is grateful for anything you can spare. However, if you are looking to donate specific items, they are always in need of cereal, soup, dry pasta, pasta sauce, canned tuna, rice, canned vegetables and the like. We are collecting items until December 16th. Please drop off your items prior to this date and they will be included in the delivery to the Longmeadow Food Pantry on the 17th.

Thank you for your generosity in support of those with food insecurity during this holiday season.


December 1, 2020
December 16, 2020