Latest Past Events

CISV Car Scavenger Hunt

Longmeadow High School 95 Grassy Gutter Rd, Longmeadow

On Saturday, March 13th from 2-4pm join CISV along with your family for an afternoon of fun!  We will send your family around the town to accomplish a list of…

By Donation

Food Pantry Donations

Dear CISV families and friends of CISV, Although the pandemic has prevented us from physically getting together, we can still "come together" in our support of those less fortunate than…

Shindig for Peace Village 2020 Fundraiser

Chicopee Elks Lodge 431 Granby Rd, Chicopee

Save the date! Plans are underway for our first annual Shindig for Peace on Saturday, March 7th. This will be a fun evening with silent and live auction, carnival games,…